Hello all,
We are looking for someone to take Gascap. Thom's allergies are getting worse with the cat. He has one eye that swells up and if you did not know better you would think it was a bad case of pink eye but we found out it is not. So when the swelling happens he needs to use 2 different eye drops every hour. But he cannot use them at the same time so every half hour he puts drops in and it usually takes a few days for it to go down. I am afraid that one time it does that it won't go down ...... Well Gascap needs a home that does not have any other animals or ones that are not too energetic. Also no little kids. Gascap is a jumpy cat and gets 'scared' with sudden noises and movements. Wish we could keep him but with the problems now cropping up with Thom's allergies I think it would be better if he found a different home. He also has no claws on the front as the previous owner had him declawed on front. He is not an outside cat, strictly an indoor cat. If you are interested just post a reply, I get an email and no one sees them unless I approve them.
Well Thom started his new/old job and it's going well. We are tracing the electrical problem of losing volts when the headlights are turned on while driving. We have redone a lot of the grounds under the coach and in the dash area. Changed out the voltage regulator. Now we still need to check more grounds at the batteries and from the batteries to the alternator. Also need to check the alternator to make sure it's not blown. Thou Thom and I have a feeling we will need a new one but still it's a good thing to double check all grounds anyway. We did find some that were sorta not good so we just made them all good.
On another note we did go to The Labyrinth. We both got dressed and enjoyed it. Thou I think we may not go to that one again. Oh well we shall see. We are planning on making it back to The Steampunk Symposium that's held on the The Queen Mary in January thou. That one is 3 days (Friday, Saturday and Sunday) and it was a blast last year, even thou we only did 2 of the 3 days.