Friday, February 24, 2012

Hospitals, Rehab, 4Runner and MH

Well still been a busy time around here. Not only is Thoms dad still in the hospital but now they are moving him to a rehab center. It seems that something in the anesthesia and some (or one) of the other meds he was on. It was making him hallucinate very badly. So they had to figure out which one was the problem. Takes awhile to do that since you cannot just take the person off of everything all at once, you have to do them one at a time to get the one that is the problem. So for pain all he's left with at the moment is just Tylenol and anyone who's had major surgery and back pain knows just taking that does very little for pain. On top of that since he's in pain he does not want to do his rehab and well with all that he needs the services of a rehab center so he's off to that right now. Thats where he will stay for a few weeks for now.
We finished doing what we can to fix the heater, started to install it and figured out we had left the info for it back at the apartment so Thom got what he could done and we will finish it later. If he had taken it out he would remember how it goes back together but since we just got handed a box with the parts and a manual I think he's done great so far.
Changed out the regulator for the propane tank and went to check to see if it was now going to the stove and it's not so we may need a different part for the tank. To change that one out we need to have the tank emptied hmmm where to go to move the propane to one tank to another and then back again when changed out.....
Checked the front and back AC's and found that they are working. Opened up the ice maker and found we need to change out some parts. Those will be about $70 or so. A new ice maker would be over $500. We installed the wig head holders.
Took out the camara so that he could look it over. With all the caps that are bad on the monitor board and stuff we are just going to replace both the monitor and the camara. Not sure with which one yet thou, still researching and deciding.

Don't read further if you don't want to read any more political talk.

For those that want to legislate their version of religion into government just need to remember that not everyone is into the same version of religion. Case in point - My version says that who ever wants to marry can (male to male, female to male, female to female) while others that believe a different version think something else. My version says that females can take birth control if they want or have an abortion. Their version does not. Honestly if you don't want to take BC than don't do it but don't stop someone else from taking it. With all the doctor visit costs and the pills themselves it would take someone about $500 to $1,000 a year. If you don't like my version then DO NOT try to legislate your version either. Do not interject church into the government, it was never meant to be there. If you don't believe me all you have to do is research what the founding fathers themselves wrote about it. Read the transcripts of when they were debating while writing the constitution. Read what they themselves wrote about religion, you will be surprized. Don't just take anyone else's word for what is there, read it for yourself!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

4Runner, Bike and hospitals

Yes I know it's been a week or so since the last post but there have have been a few things going on.

First thing is Thom's dad and mom are at an RV park in Florida. While there the telephone company and/or the park had the telephone lines just laying on the ground. Thoms dad tripped over the wire, fell and hit his head on the telephone box. Of course tried to not go to the hospital but after a few days he went and yes he has a concussion. They tried to send him home but on the way back he passed out three times so back to the hospital and more testing. It seems that he had some problems in his neck now that he had to have surgery to do part fusion and have some spacers put in to take pressure off the nerves in his neck. That's done but he's now had a bad reaction to the anthesia and is seeing things that aren't there. Needless to say things are touch and go with that for a few till they get it straightened out.
Second thing is while we were supposed to leave where we are at to go back to the other coast by the end of Feb, we got the call and email last week that we are extended – again – till the end of March. So we took this past weekend and relaxed and played as much as possible. We know we are going to have to now settle down to get things done on the 4Runner, bike and the MH.
Talking about the Harley, Thom finally changed out the battery and some cables. Took about 3 hrs or so to do it all but it is now done.
We did stop off and picked up some stuff for towing like a braking system. Thom also got some more advice on stuff. Manuels and things only cover so much so there were a few things he was not clear on and was just making sure we were doing them correctly and yep we were. Things like do you dump the air bags before doing the leveling. Makes sense that yes you do dump but it's not written anywhere so it's nice to know that you are right, lol.
We did go and measure the levelers so that when we cut the stall mats up that they will acutally fit. We found out that they measure 10 inches round. The barn stall mat is 4 x 6 so we will cut up the mat into 16 x 18 so that we get an even number of squares out and we don't have to be that particular about making sure they are under the feet with the squares only being 12 x 12. This way we can also have the larger size to use for several other things.
We do have some trim that is coming off of the door to the bedroom so Saturday we will fix that along with several other little things and make note of anything else. We will pick up the propane regulator this week and get that replaced so that we can test the stove to make sure that is all the way fixed. We also have the heater to put back together to test that. We will see about moving the MH somewhat so that we can get to the electric they have for some MH's to use and then we will use that to vaccum the MH and the 4Runner out. The person who had the 4Runner before appearently like to go to very sandy areas. Those vaccums that you can use at the self-service car wash places do not have beaters on them like a home vaccum and with all the sand thats in them we either need to beat the sand out or just replace all the carpet. So we will try a home vaccum first to get at least most of the sand out, lol.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Outlets, karaoke and horses

Friday we got new tires for the 4Runner. We got Hankooks if anyone was wondering. When we had the Z71 we had gotten them on there and Thom really like the feel and lack of sound and just the beefiness of them better than almost any other tire (must be a guy thing). So when we got the 4Runner and it needed tires he started to look around and decided that since Hankooks were great for the Z71 that he wanted them for the 4Runner. Trust me when I say he did ALOT of research into those and other tires thou. But we did end up with the Hankooks.
Then Friday night we went to dinner and we were goning to stay there for the karaoke but even thou when we called earlier to verify the time to start and they said 7 pm we found out it didn't start till 9 pm. So we left there and went to Lowes to see about some thing so that we could carry the foam heads and wigs with us easily without the wigs getting tangled. Since we had somehow overpaid the card we had "extra" money we could spend, lol. (I will take a picture of what we got in a little while with and without the wig head and post it.) We will mount them in the overhead cabinets in the bedroom area. After Lowes we went to a bar that we know also has karaoke and they start on the time they advertise. Thom sings quite well, he understands his voice and the range he can hit and he, usually, keeps to that. He has thousands in his list for singing. When he used to run it, he ran it off disc and not a hard drive. When it was not busy he would sometimes just tell people to pick a disc and whatever disc's they picked he would only sing number X. He's expanded his list that way.
Thom's worked 12 to 18 hrs day almost all week long this week so Saturday morning we just putzed around and did not get out of the house till around 1 pm. We went to several stores including a hay and feed store. We got a thick barn stall mat to make some MH levelers with. Check out to see what I am talking about. He describes it and has better pictures to show than I could do right now. We also picked up a big container of horse treats. Where we have the MH stored is also an auction site for livestock and a used car lot and well you get the idea. They have lots of things there. Some horses are boarded there and we had been bringing carrots but figured with the container we would always have some with us and they would not go bad and even when we leave here we would still have some for the next ones we see.
We finally go to the MH around 3:30 pm, went in and paid off till we leave at the end of the month. This place they do not have hook ups nor is it covered but it is only $45 a month AND they allow us to come out 7 days a week to work on it if we need/want to. Alot of places we checked out around here cost alot more, we did not have access 7 days a week and we could not work on it so of course we chose to park it here.
We fed some of the horses some treats, I say some because there were some new ones and with any new animal you take it easy and if they don't want to do anything with you or they are aggressive acting just leave them alone. Better for you and better for the animal. While at the MH we also took out the monitor for the back up camara. Thom will take it apart to see if the soldier joints are ok and to see if the caps are going bad. He knows how to fix computers down to the compenent level so he can spend a little time and then go to an electrical store and the parts are not expensive. Saves money that way. He also changed out the 2 outlets that are on either side of the bed. When we had plugged in the heating pad over New Years we found out that they were very loose and rather than messing up the plugs on things to keep them plugged in it is safer to just change out the outlet. About $10 or so for the both and about 15 minutes total to do. We also tried out the wig head contraption we had rigged up and found it would work so after the MH we went back to Lowes to get the rest to do all the wig heads we have.
That's about all for now, oh yea in Guild Wars (the MMO that we play) it is the Canthan New Year so we are on it for the next 24 hrs, lol. One of the prizes in the festival we use sometimes while doing the harder missions and this is the only way, besides buying them from other players, to get them so we will be here aquiring the stones that we sometimes use.