Other things and websites that right now do need a separate page

Here are a few other sites for you all to have:

RV Salvage sites

RV Food Sites
http://www.flavortownusa.com/default.aspx – Diners, Drive-In's and Dive's locations

Apps I have installed on my Droid phone (and all were free):
PDAnet - there is a free version and a one time paid version. We ended up going with the paid so that we can see security pages like the bank and VA. You use your phone as a router when you use it and can then use your phone (as long as you have cell coverage) to go online.
Barcode Scanner - to check prices in stores
Cardex - stores all those store cards just in case you don't have them or they got lost
c:geo - for geocaching
GasBuddy - lets me know the closest gas stations and latest updates to the prices
KakaoTalk - text and pic program that allows people all over the world to talk FREE, cool way for us to keep in contact with the youngest while he is Korea.
Skype Mobile - free to talk all over the world with
MyCar Locator Free - I can set where I parked and then go all over and still find my vehicle at the end of the day
Sanidumps Lite - gives locations and/or prices of closest dumps
My DAT Trucker Services - Gives locations of most truck stops, rest areas, walmarts
Love's - lets me know the closest Love's truck stops and gas/diesel prices
TV Antenna Helper Free - helps locating where to point the antenna 
Sites I am NOT on:
I am not on Google Plus/Friend.
I am not on Facebook
I am not on Twitter
I am a member of 2 forum's for RVers (http://www.irv2.com/) and ( http://www.rv.net/forum/index.cfm )
Gaming Guild for alot of tabletop and online games ( http://www.purpledragons.net/ )
Geocaching name is PyrateSilly ( http://www.geocaching.com/ )
Some of the artists that we like and their websites:
http://www.facebook.com/pages/West-Coast-Mutineers/186703921350774 (yes we are part of the group but no I am not on FB)
I do not promote any products. If that changes I will make note of it. (except maybe now Neat, lol)
We do not follow sports but we do follow the arts. We would rather view a play especially in a community theater. Or even better perform in plays, festivals and shows.
We both try to make sure our camping areas are cleaner than when we got there. Trash is unacceptable. Please remember to pick up after yourselves.
Remember those of you that like to "hover" over a toliet seat that some of us cannot and we have to clean up after you, which is not a nice thing to have to do, if we need to use the toliet too.

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